Saturday, 18 September 2010

What I’ve Been Listening To... #1

I have a lot of CDs and MP3s in my possession that I need to sort through, from the ones to keep and the ones to get rid of, so expect this type of post a lot. The range of music with be very eclectic, including albums that while leave some people bemused and would embarrass others – expect a lot of pop albums from the nineties onwards that I inavertedly have and will listen to at least once to give them a chance -to ones that may turn out to be musical gems.  With this in mind, here is the first...

The Shadows - 20 Golden Greats (1977)
At one point collaborating with Cliff Richard, this is best of catalogue of the British band’s best instrumental rock and roll tracks. It’s interesting to listen to, but I feel I’ve heard better instrumental music from other groups. 

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