Friday, 1 November 2013

Representing China: Song At Midnight (1937)


Dir. Ma-Xu Weibang

The last of the Videotape Swapshop reviews for this series, and this is the sort of film that represents this edition of Halloween 31 For 31 the most. It shows where I want to take this blog in covering films like this too, but I can gladly say there are quite a few reviews of things like this now on here. The only other thing I will say is that, seeing this film, there's a huge area of thirties Chinese cinema that needs to be more available, just for how stylish it could be, from this one, when its very early in the era of cinema when sound was introduced globally. I can only hope that Ma-Xu Weibang is known for me beyond this film even if its thanks to a fan posting his work, out of their own free time and with the possibility of having it pulled down, who did it. Even if the subtitles for the version I saw were far from perfect, the fact that person actually made the film available with English subtitles is something I am grateful for.

Review Link -


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